Funny Media Group

Funny Media Group (Official Website) We at inkballoon developed a funny media group platform to reach a wide audience of laughter lovers.  We intend to add humorous and artist imagery to captivate a digital community on our one-of-a-kind designs. Designer Rakitha Perera Agency Client Funny Media Group Read More When tasked with designing the website for the artisen ice cream franchise Creamistry the client needed the website to have a young  and fun feel while retaining a rich exqucite look. To achieve the desired outcome with the user interface, a light pastal color pallet was used with blend of whites and offwhite tiles.… Read More

York Billboard Design

York Brand Air-conditioner Billboard A Billboard ad campaign for York Brand Air -conditioners the artwork was designed to represent a feeling of freshness during the hot summer months, as the product was introduced as a viable contender into the industrial air condition market with fresh affordable pricing and low energy consumption.   Designer Rakitha Perera… Read More

Fusion Art – Phoenix/Dragon

Fusion Art - Phoenix/Dragon The Artwork is a fusion of western and traditional Sri Lankan arts and Crafts. Services Illustration Software Adobe illustrator , Photoshop Camera Canon EOS 70D Read More

Heladiv Ice Tea – Marketing Material

Heladiv Ice Tea - Marketing Material Consisting of designs for posters, banner ads, X-stands and pennants, made for a range of ice tea products made by Heladiv Tea (George Stuarts). Services Illustration / Poster Design Advertising Firm Triads - Sri Lanka Client Heladiv Tea by George Stuarts Date 5th January 2014 Read More

Ray Charles Memorial Concert

Ray Charles Memorial Concert - Poster Art The poster was designed with a very jazzy vibe in mind, in which the star of the design is the illustration of Ray Charles which is hand drawn using tones of warm yellows and brown, done on purposefully to create a simple yet focused experience, gradually guiding the viewers… Read More

Asian Alliance

Asian Alliance Annual Report 2013 The project involved the creation of a visual theme that is clean yet striking enough to interest readers. The design revolves around showing the strives that Asian Alliance had taken to evolve the corporation for the better during the last 10 year. Read More


Academics (2010 - 2011) A series of illustrations completed during the college senior year at Fullerton College ,Fullerton, CA - USA. (2010-2011). Photographer Antonio Veraglio Website Camera Canon EOS 70D Read More

Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead - Illustrations The illustrations are taken from the body of student work I have completed during college years (2010-2012). A marichi band playing inside a skull. This artwork was one of my firsts and was inspired by the works of Steve Simpsons “the Mexican kitchen” Read More

Project Sura Asura

SURA ASURA They were now almost upon him; their flying mounts charging down on the relatively puny figure at terrific speed, while the warriors leaned low to the right, with their great metalshod spears. Client Blink Fashion Date 21 August, 2017 Services Art Direction, Web Design Awards Site of The Day Read More